Afterthoughts of my Unknown Lover

Raw emotion rips through me. Cutting deep knife lacerations of grief. I miss you darling I miss you oh poor dead darling. You never even knew didn't even guess I loved you oh darling dead darling loved you so. How can I live? No I can't live. No not without you. My unspoken lover unknown lover he is gone. How no way no way is he gone. Make him come back God please bring back my little angel let me kiss him once, one kiss and then he is yours. I can't believe, no possibility. How he died without knowing, oh God, how did my darling not know? I have loved him long before others. They don't know no one knows but friends and now he'll never know. My Joseph, dead darling, come back to me. He does not know my name but Joseph please come back. He is gone forever. Never again I see his serious face or soft almond eyes. But God I loved him. Why, why did you tkae what I loved? I can't live without you why God if you loved him please tell me why is he gone forever?