The Girl In All Black

A writer there was with steely gray eyes

on her way to what might be her demise

she wore no color but dark midnight black

her possessions in a small bag on her back

her only friends were her music and tears

she was living one of her biggest fears

now running away from her so called "home"

she got what she wanted; she was now alone.

Alone with herself in the back of the bus

sitting with her music not causing a fuss.

Hair dark as night brought out her dark gray eyes

A boy sat beside her, to her surprise.

When he started speaking, she was in awe.

The voice of an angel from his lips did fall.

They sat and talked for more than two hours.

Then she told him of her love of flowers

he asked her of her family back home.

Closed up again; she wanted time alone

he pushed at her walls; made her talk again

she brought him in and made him her friend.

The girl in all black , the boy in sky blue

now they were stuck together, stuck like glue.

Their fates intertwined, no going back

and all because of the girl in the black.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is in Iambic Pentameter. Which means lines consisting of ten syllables long accented on every second beat. It's 24 lines long. It was for an english project. I think I did quite well considering the circumstances.