The Condemned

Hopeless brown eyes
Smooth tan coat
Very picture of innocence
But trying to save
The innocent
Is a lost
We can pretend not
To see them
But we do.
Of course we do.
Why acknowledge them?
The condemned
Must live their fate
And we could stop
The vicious circle
If we tried
But we don't try
We could
But we don't try
And we leave them to suffer
And grieve
And let their spirits die
They can't escape
Couldn't we help
If we wanted to?
We all want to.
We don't.
What is wrong with us?
What keeps us from
Giving a dollar to
The homeless man
Or taking home the cute mutt
Instead of the
Purebred chihuahua
Or even just
Standing up for our friends
When they need it
And trying a little harder
Just a little harder
To be
A savior?