Broken and Alone

Lying on the street corner

Jaw hanging open

Spewing the contents of my empty stomach

Alcohol, my best friend

Alcohol is all gone

You're all gone

And I'm still in love with you

Even though you're dead and buried

Six feet in the ground

I want you even more still

Like the last thing you said

Lying crippled and nearly gone

In a sterile hospital bed,

"Move on," You say,

But it's easy for you,

You don't have to live without me,

I have to live without you,

You were and are my everything,

I miss you,

Far more than words could ever describe.

Come back...

I wish I could,

But the alcohol has made me feel,

Everything and nothing,

I am nothing,

I am alone, broken, and lost...

I am lost in my own head, without you to guide me
♠ ♠ ♠
RIP Grandfather, September 23, 2006.