Why cant you see I dont want this to end

Please don't do this
Don't do this to me
I love you so much
You mean the world to me

Why can't you understand
That i still love you
I just needed some time
To think what to do

I really want us to be friends
Not fighting like this
I don't want us to end
Our friendship is like bliss

Beautiful in it's grace
It seemed so perfect to me
Until i started to like you
This wasn't meant to be

But now it's gone
No more you and me
I hope our friendship rekindles
I want to be free

I can feel a tear in my eye
I never thought it would be
I never thought you'd make me cry
Why can't you see

Why can't you see
I still want us to be friends
I thought i could say
Our friendship will never end

I don't want us to end
Your a big part of my life
You'll always have a place in my heart