My Guardian Angel Wolf

My Guardian,
My Guardian keeps me safe,
I thank him every day.

He is like the light of the moon,
The fullest moon,
So bright,
His fur is the darkest black,
His eyes are a beautiful brown,
Like the earth has finally taken life in his eyes.

His spirit is like that of the kings of all wolves,
He has no fear!
His life is always on the line,
To protect me at all costs.

My poor Guardian,
Oh how i love you so,
Please stop putting your life on the line,

My dear Guardian,
You are too gentle to be hurt like this,
I love you so much,
But please don't go.

"NOOOOO!!!!!" I scream,
When you come back,
I see all of the deep gashes and wounds,
I shake all over,
Trying to cry and curl my self into a ball.

Tears start to come,
They stream down my face,
I try to breath calmly,
But I weep in despair,
My tears clean the blood away.

I fix your beautiful wolf body,
I collapse next to you,
Too weak to care,
I hear your soft sigh,
I pull you close,
I rest my head on your soft shoulder,
My shoulders began to shake,
While I cry softly,
I gently feel your battle scared side.

I start to panic,
By seeing so many wounds,
That have formed into scars.

My dear wolf,
I have decided,
From now on I will protect you,
I curl up closer into you,
I soon realized,
That I was touching skin,
Not fur.

I try to pull away from your warm embrace,
Your hold on me is gentle and possessive,
I look at all your scars,
Trying with all my might to avoid looking,
At those beautiful brown soulful eyes.

I began to feel despair hang,
So greatly on my face.

My dear,
Dear wolf,
Please stay here,
Be well again,
I sigh and gently release my self for your strong grip.

I quickly wrap you,
Into a warm fleece blanket,
I start to walk away,
But you stand up and wrap your arms around me,
I turn around in shock,
"What are you doing standing up?!?!?!?!"
I almost screamed at you,
I suddenly grab you,
Your legs giving out on you,
I help you onto my bed.

I briskly walk over to my,
TV set,
And popped in a DVD,
I press play,
I turn around and start to walk over,
I quickly notice a shadow.

I growl softly,
I become amazed,
At the sudden amount of animal reflexes,
I quickly walked back over to you.

"Have you changed me to be just like you?"
I quietly ask,
You nod your head yes,
I smile and wrap the blankets around you comfortably,
I lay down next to you,
I gratefully snuggle up into your warm chest.

I drift to sleep,
A dreamless sleep,
I suddenly feel your burning lips against mine,
I wake up and gently pull away from your tempting lips.

My dear wolf,
"Why do you hurt yourself for me?"
I ask tears streaming down my face,
You gently wipe the tears away.

"I'll be fine just go to sleep."
I whisper,
My voice cracking in the middle of the sentence,
Why do you always hurt yourself?
Why do you always put yourself in danger?

My beloved wolf,
Rest now,
I will be fine,
I rise from the bed.

I look at you,
Your pain is echoed into your beautiful face,
How can I possibly comfort you?

I move away from the bed and sit down,
I whisper a prayer to god,
Hoping that it would be heard,
I lay back into the wall.

My fears,
And desires for you,
Are broken at seeing you being so broken yourself,
My sadness,
My anger,
My hatred at what has happened to you.

My shell cannot stay in place any longer,
My tears spill over,
I cry my heart out,
Trying to make as little noise as possible,
I fold my arms,
And lay my head onto them,
Just hoping that you would not move,
I grow softly after hearing the bed creak.

I stand and say,
"Get back into that bed!!!!"
I ordered my beloved wolf,
"No, not while you are crying."
You states softly,
I collapse from where I was standing,
My sobs coming out as clear as a bells ring.

Your gentle finger,
Gently lifts my head,
Your strength and courage,
Have all changed into pure love.

You gently rest your hands beside my head,
Steadying yourself in front of me,
My tear streaks down my face,
Shine by the light of the TV screen,
You softly,
And carefully wipes them away.

I quickly move away from your loving atmosphere,
I quickly start to pace,
Not wanting your love to be true.

I quickly help you back over to my bed again,
I quickly realized that the shadow was back again,
I sigh and look out the window,
And noticed a Grey wolf,
I winced when our eyes met,
I groan,
And quickly move away from the window.

I slowly walk back over,
And collapse into my wolf's arms,
I smile,
But force it into a frown,
"Why? Why do you keep looking lovingly at me?"
I had to ask,
"Because you need it."
You say simply.

I realized,
Even through your pain,
You still loved me,
I cry again,
But from a hope newly found.

I give my beloved wolf a hug,
You gently hold me,
Letting me cry into your burning chest,
I smile up at you,
Hoping for a day when there will be no more blood shed.

"Please be with me for ever,
My beloved Guardian Angel wolf,
With those soulful brown eyes."
I whisper before falling asleep,
In your warm chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is one of my favorite poems and now I'm sharing it with you