Goodbye Big Brother

Everyday you'd watch me grow
Just as the clouds brought the snow.

Everyday you'd watch me smile
Just as the leaves were raked into piles.

Everyday you'd watch me crawl
Just as the spring showers continued to fall.

But one day you never saw me cry
Just as the summer took your life from mine.

You never once saw me walk.
You never once heard me talk.

But, Mikey, for all the things you could see
I'm glad that you got the chance to watch me.

'Cause I know you can see me, as I look up toward the sky,
And I know you hear me, as I lower my head and cry.

But Mikey, there's something you need to know.
There's something I need to say.

I never got the chance to tell you 'I love you Big Brother'
Even if we never got the chance to share those summer days.