Listen to the Rain

Thick Grey fog encased her as
she wiped her eyes with the back of her bruised hand.
"Get me out get me out" she screamed in her head
"Get me out"
She opened her mouth and nothing came out
but the wail of a baby
She killed him
Salty rain trickled down her cheeks
and sharp twigs cracked beneath her feet
"Get me out"
Her baby wailed
and she danced
She danced because she was overjoyed with sadness
she laughed and laughed
oh no she couldn't stop
her baby was dead
he was dead because of her
because of her choice
"Oh child, come to me for, i am your mother."
she saw herself grab him
and dig her nails into him
she laughed
as he cried she laughed
the laugh of a maniac
that is what she became wasn't it?
a maniac
an addict
maybe it was because she wasn't meant
to be a mother
a lover
Maybe she wasn't meant to be anything
ring around the rosy
He suddenly appeared,
her baby in on hand
A pocket full of posies
A rifle in the other
he touched the trigger
She gasped
We all fall
she stared at him
despair in her eyes
she died
finally her body
is what her soul was
When her baby grew up
he went to see her
at the black forest
where he started
and she ended
he craved her scent
a lovely smell
of death
he then found out one thing about his mother
she died with her eyes
doomed to look at the world
she once hated.
♠ ♠ ♠
i have no idea what this is about.