
I breathe in,
I breathe out,
Sometimes the future is bright,
Sometimes the sun doesn’t even bother to come out..

I live life in a blank stare,
Hoping something,
(Or someone)
Will change the expression..
But the few things that catch my eye are just
Mirages or just distractions..

Just there to take away the awkwardness
Of explaining myself to someone other than

It’s hard to relate to words when
Nothing explains how dark it is without the sun..

But when I’m not sinking into dark blue..
The yellow comes out.
Where the happiness is.
It’s where friends, life, and Corey are.
The ideal color.
But it’s only once in a blue moon when I see yellow.

The white is limbo.
Even being in blue is better than limbo,
Not exactly my favorite party game.
But who said I have to play?
Who judges when the bar is set too low to dance under.

Has your ground ever changed to eggshells?
How are we to dance lightly
and not break them all?
When every action creates a reaction.
Is it game over when all the shells are broken?

No free extra lives..
You cant cheat yourself out of your own fate..
Your only hope is to leave you name on the highscore board of life