Sleep away from the wall, so i can hold onto you, so you dont fall

I wish I knew what I could do to fill this hole
I feel like someone’s just ripped a space inside me
Every time I hear your name, I feel my soul snap like a twig in the dark
When I lay in bed at night, I dream its you I wake up to in the morning
But reality hits, and I see that there’s just an empty space beside me
The space that was once yours, you called it your own
I wasn’t allowed to lie next to the wall you’d say
If I did, you couldn’t protect me from falling out of bed
I couldn’t have them strong arms protecting me from crashing down
Just like now, I have nothing protecting me and you’ve let me crash to the bottom
I really hope that one day we can both have that future we once saw together
Because for me the future won’t happen, without you sharing it too
God I know I’m in love with you, id be a twonk to say I wasn’t
But what hurts more, is not knowing what’s going on in your heart,
I just wish you where mine once more
I wish you could see what a hole inside you’ve caused