Baby, The Stars Shine Bright.

These shaking hands can't see the light,
Won't you guide me to you tonight ?
Coruscating eyes,
I can't look away.
Enraptured by that last look you gave me.
Please forgive my idle dissapation,
But I just can't get you off my mind.
And now my thoughts wander to a different point in time.
We stumble lips locked down the beach,
Into your heart is where I reach.
I grab your hand,
Up toward the sky,
Point out the stars I see in your eyes.
My mind is racing,
And yours is too.
I just need to show you how I feel about you.
When I'm with you, the world just leaves.
From thoughts to reality,
From reality to dreams.
You're the angel I needed,
The only one I sought.
I thank God each day for the gift that He brought,
No creation more pure,
You're my saving grace,
My most deadly temptation.
Your hands on my waist,
Delicious tingling sensation.
I just want to spend every second with you,
There's nothing else that will do.
My addiction, my lover,
Seduction and bliss.
My lips always yearning for that next morphine kiss.
My hand melds in yours,
Once again meant to be.
And I close my eyes,
Drunk from the subtleties.
My head on your chest,
Our hearts beating in time.
Nothing can ever compare to tonight.
Once again open, looking into your eyes,
Five words I will whisper:
"Baby, the stars shine bright."
♠ ♠ ♠
For my boyfriend, Jay. You taught me how to feel something other than apathy. I love you.