Piece By Piece

Slowly each little piece of me that craves for you
Is slipping away with everyday that goes by
The less i hear from you, the more i feel empty

As i wait for a text,call, anything just so i can be
Near you once again, slowly starts to disappear.
Did i do something wrong once againsh.
Did i make you mad that you wish to ignore me

Im not perfect and i will never be, But i try with
Everything in me to be everything you will
Ever need...
So why does it seems like your slipping away
Farther and farther from me you go away

As i reach out for you, you are no where to be seen
I don't think i can hold on much longer,
When you make it seem like you don't need me...
And slowly piece by piece
My heart is letting go of you...
♠ ♠ ♠