tired of life

have you ever notice life is the same
you look around and see you do the same thing over and over again
you feel like being different
to act weird
to act different
to dress differently
to talk differently
yes that how i feel
this circle of boriness
i wanna get out
but all i can do to do that is act differently
i enjoy to see the weird looks people give me
because its differently
funny i love does looks
because that way iam not in the loop
of the never ending boreness
is life boring for you
if its not
when you see a weird girl or boy don't speack bad
because its nice to feel different
because cant you see that even if you are different from the outside deep inside you wanna be like everyone else
you wanna dress like them
you wanna talk like them
that's the curse of being normal
me iam just a weird girl and guess what i like it XP