The Jester of Sevens

Rivers of blood
and blackened eyes,
burning heavens,
I'm the Jester of Sevens.

My bone-crafted fountains
are filled with Mother's tears,
and my nightmare court
is tiled with fear.

My roses shit hatred,
my children scream murder.
My orchards weep,
'don't go any further!'

Rivers of blood
and blackened eyes,
burning heavens,
I'm the Jester of Sevens.

Your pain is a joke,
your sobs make me laugh.
I'll wear a shit-eating grin
as I chop you in half.

I've been burned at the stake,
I've been guillotined.
I've met the iron maiden
and made her scream.

At the end of the day,
with horror in your eyes,
you'll still shriek in terror
that the Jester's alive.