I Want Out

I hate how I am,
How this all is driving me insane.
You're mad that he's fucking around,
That he doesn't want to be with you.
That's fine,
Be mad,
But he's your ex.
You want to be friends with him,
Then deal with who he is.
If he's going to be a bastard,
Drop him.
Stop going back.
I've found the pattern
And it's driving me insane.
I don't know what to say,
How to respond
How to react.
I'll be angry,
I'll be upset.
But this is getting old.

I'll always be there for you,
No matter what,
But stop this.
I can't deal anymore.

I want out,
I want to leave this town
Maybe cut my wrists.
I don't know
I just want out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I'm not going to cut my wrists, but I am angry. I feel like it, but I won't. Okay? Clear?