Protect You

Take my hand and don’t let go.
Hold on with all of your strength;
But don’t worry.
I will protect you.

You’re grip is slipping.
You’re fading away.
You need to try and hold on.
I need to protect you.

I am crying now.
You’re palms are sweaty.
You’re smiling like you know this is the end.
Help me protect yourself.

I hold on tighter as you begin to let go.
“Don’t do this” I am screaming.
But you just continue to smile and peel away my fingers.
I am failing to protect you, and you are falling.

I am watching you fall through a river of tears.
You look so serene and at peace.
I can’t stop screaming as I watched you fall into that watery grave.
I couldn’t protect you.

I couldn’t protect you from yourself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Someone told me yesterday that she had been planning to take her own life. I didn't know if she was lying or not and I didn't know what to do. I found out later that she was just pretending and it made me really upset. Suicide isn't something to joke about and neither is depression. I guess I just tried to get a point of view from someone they had left behind.