Running With Nightmares

Tore out a smile and made yourself a jack-o-lantern
That candle-lit grin won't ever waver
So we put on our hoods and became vandals
We were a scandal, ripped life a new handle

We ran through the streets with bats and flames
Our delighted screams rang through the dark
Hiding in bushes from the sirens and flashing lights
We owned the night, we were the ones right

Our nightmares kept us company goading us onwards
We watched the sweat freeze on each other's skin
And said, Thank God, oh no, or am I alive?
For nothing to strive, to only take the dive

So melt all our goodbyes and freeze them in glass
We'll save them for a sunny day
We might not have much left round here
But the twilight seared and hearts instilled with fear

We just need a little tragedy to end this travesty
♠ ♠ ♠
I really hate zombies.