The Flower

Angiosperms, the seed that thrives deep inside the ground to sprout into a picturesque flower.
A flowering plant whose petals unfold to absorb the light of the sun.
A plant that stands tall against nature, tempting the bees and birds to taste it's sweet nectar from within.
The pollen that is carried away by passer by's until it meets its female counterpart.
The seed that has taken the place of the pollen, projected out of its mother and floating on until it comes to find the perfect resting place.
The angiosperm who is surrounded by the comfort of the soil it flourishes in.
And when the time is right, the seed stands tall and proud, like its mother and father, feeling stronger than the thickest tree.
It greets the sun as it rises in the morning, smiles as the rain comes down to water it, and naps when the moon takes it turn in the sky.
One day, it has grown up to create it's own pollen or produce its own seeds, knowing that its genes will go on.
And when the time has come, it will fall to the ground, saying goodbye to mother earth and the life it lived.