
We look for something that we hope to find,
When we can’t find it we give up looking,
And having a closed not open mind
That just shows us that we are just waiting,

Waiting awhile for it to come around,
Not expecting to receive the wrong thing,
But knowing you might hear some kind of sound,
That you will come to know through a striking

Voice that will help guide you through surprises
Whatever life gives you to go on.
Maybe you will be given some prizes,
Or life won’t give you good things to go on.

You live with what you are handed in life
And just deal with what you have received,
Or you can go find your own path in life
And live with the choices you decided

Either have faith in the sound of the voice,
Or choose to take a chance and have a choice.
♠ ♠ ♠
I began writing my poem/sonnet in my room thinking of a broad topic, love. This did not work out like I was hoping; it was much harder to come up with the first four lines. The first quatrain was time consuming. I tried many different topics and then took a break and watched some TV. Then I pulled out my phone and the words just flowed through my hands to the keypad. While I was writing/typing my sonnet I tried to figure out what exactly it was about and I more than sure it came from a line on the TV show I was watching. The most difficult part was getting started and rhyming every other word and having to change them multiple times. The easiest part was the middle, I felt like I was going to run out of lines before I got to the end. Doing this assignment showed me that the English language must have taken a long time to write, and I see where writer’s block comes easy to some. But for those they just need a little more inspiration than usual.

i wrote this for school and my teacher said mine was the best out of the whole two classes he had write poems : )