I'm So Much Like You, Daddy

I’m so much like you, Daddy.
The way your hair fell into your eyes, just that one little curl.
The way your black eyes lit up, like a lighthouse on the ocean.
The way you smiled, like the sun crashing out from behind rainclouds.
The way you hugged Mommy, like you were never gonna let go.
The way you hated onions on your cheeseburger, just because they’re crunchy.

I’m so much like you, Daddy.
The way you loved to go fast on the highway, just to feel the thrill.
The way you scratched your head when you’re confused, like a cartoon.
The way you walked, the swagger that women found annoying.

I’m so much like you, Daddy.
The way you liked to play with guns, POW POW POW!
The way everyday life weighed on you, pushing you down.
The way your every breath hurt, like glass puncturing your ribs
The way you wanted it all to end, because you couldn’t take it anymore.

I’m so much like you, Daddy.
The way my little boy is gonna come home,
And find me sprawled on the porch.
The way he’s gonna see the blood,
And wonder what he did wrong.

I’m so much like you, Daddy.
I’m gonna infest my kid’s brain,
The same way you infested mine.

I’m so much like you, Daddy.
♠ ♠ ♠
The inspiration for this:

"Drivin’ through town just my boy and me
With a Happy Meal in his booster seat
Knowin’ that he couldn’t have the toy ‘til his nuggets were gone.
A green traffic light turned straight to red
I hit my brakes and mumbled under my breath.
His fries went a flyin’, and his orange drink covered his lap
Well, then my four year old said a four letter word
It started with “S” and I was concerned
So I said, “Son, now where’d you learn to talk like that?”

He said, "I’ve been watching you, dad ain’t that cool?
I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you.
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are.
We got cowboy boots and camo pants
Yeah, we’re just alike, hey, ain’t we dad?
I want to do everything you do.
So I’ve been watching you."

We got back home and I went to the barn
I bowed my head and I prayed real hard
Said, “Lord, please help me help my stupid self.”
Just this side of bedtime later that night
Turnin’ on my son’s Scooby-Doo nightlight.
He crawled out of bed and he got down on his knees.
He closed his little eyes, folded his little hands
Spoke to God like he was talkin’ to a friend.
And I said, “Son, now where’d you learn to pray like that?”

He said, "I’ve been watching you, dad ain’t that cool?
I’m your buckaroo, I want to be like you.
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are.
We like fixin’ things and holding momma’s hand
Yeah, we’re just alike, hey, ain’t we dad?
I want to do everything you do; so I’ve been watching you"

With tears in my eyes I wrapped him in a hug.
Said, “My little bear is growin’ up.”
And he said, “But when I’m big I’ll still know what to do.”

"‘Cause I’ve been watching you, dad ain’t that cool?
I’m your buckaroo, I want to be like you.
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are.
By then I’ll be strong as superman
We’ll be just alike, hey, won’t we dad
When I can do everything you do.
‘cause I’ve been watchin’ you."
hey yeah
uh huh"
I've Been Watching You~Rodney Atkins

I know. How twisted, right?