Growing Feelings

We were nothing but strangers to everyone—
As we passed by each other,
It was an awkward feeling between us.
I felt hatred growing up on me
As I was left out.

I couldn’t help but feel tears forming in my eyes,
As we were being assigned pairs.
It was an awkward feeling between us.
I felt hatred growing up on me
As I was left out.

You gave me a weird look
As I smiled uncomfortably.
It was an awkward feeling between us.
But, I felt love growing on me
As I stared into your eyes.

Words were exchanged among us
And I couldn’t help but notice that
It was an awkward feeling between us
But I knew I felt loved
As I stared into your eyes.

Before I knew it, my day was over.
But I could never forget—
The bright smile plastered on my face,
Shined through everyone—
And I knew I was happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was supposed to be a 'folk song' I had to compose for my music history class, but I didn't think it turned out that good and it looks more like a poem. I don't know if it's consider a ballard, but I'm pretty sure it is. xD