Cry for A Savior.

The voices in my head,
Telling me I’m not worth it,
They don’t want me or need me,
They’re just pretending to like me,
Maybe those voices are right,
I shouldn’t exist on this Earth,
These people that hate me,
Don’t know about the hurt,
The hurt that they’ve caused me,
Through their words and actions,
I look for a distraction but all I can find,
Are a knife and a pill bottle,
Am I fucked up in my mind?
These scars on my wrist,
They’re there for a reason,
It’s a cry for help,
A cry for a savior,
So that maybe I won’t be so lonely anymore,
These people surround me,
Though none of them know me,
They pretend to laugh and be happy with me,
Their fake smiles and laughs haunt me,
The nightmares never end.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this in like 5 minutes...
Has to do with how I feel right now sadly enough.