
He counts to three,
He says "close your eyes".
Slowly peels of layers,
Something inside dies

She doesn't try to stop him,
Because she knows her place,
She knows exactly what she is,
No use saving face

If only she could find it,
The respect to push away,
She'd be free of all of this,
A new start, a new day

She doesn't and watches in pain,
As he has his way,
It doesn't hurt outside anymore,
Because inside takes the blame

Maybe she just forgot to feel,
Maybe she never felt,
Maybe she was playing up,
The cards that she was dealt

Doesn't matter how she feels,
The label can never change,
That "stupid worthless slut",
Will never be the same
♠ ♠ ♠
my first poem ! so please be nice XD
constructive criticism is appreciated!

thanks guys (: