I Will Remember You

I remember when you left
The crimson tears that flowed that night
Replacing the rivers that streamed down sallow cheeks
Trembling fingers, clutching straws of rationality
Eyes closed, trying to trace your face
Just from my memory

I remember when you returned
The sobs that soaked your ratty old shirt
The hands that held you close, to never let you go again
The mind that screamed that it was wrong
Even as I let you have your way
I should have known

The next day you'd be gone
Having had your fill
The pale girl collapsing at your feet
Shrieks of denial wracking her body
Had no effect on you
Because you didn't care

Your sweatshirt still smells like you
That will never change
The pictures still look like you
With time that will change
The scars still feel like you
I hope that will change

Maybe a photo is all I have
My sacred bit of you
Perhaps a photo's all I need
A stolen glimpse of time
Before the drugs
Before you lied
Before the part of me that died

From this moment on
I will remember you
Not as a villian
And not as someone unattainable
I will remember you
Simply as you should be

I will remember you like you
Where my heart is trapped
Where my love lies
Where a friendship was ruined
And where, one day
I will move on

I will love someone who is honest
I will love someone who is kind
I will love someone beautiful
Both inside and out
But most of all
I will love someone who is not you
♠ ♠ ♠
my last goodbye to my ex ( i hope!)

hopefully i have the strength for that , anyways , thanks for reading !