
walking on the road
rain all around
you don't look back
hoping you aren't found

walk, run, jump, leap
just go to get out of the heap
keep moving don't stay
the runaway must stay that way

hear the siren
hide in the night
cant help but wonder why no one is on your side
you only know you have to hide

walk, run, jump, leap
just go to get out of the heap
keep moving don't stay
the runaway must stay that way

go to the store
getting food because your starved
pay with your card
then you see the door

walk, run, jump, leap
just go to get out of the heap
keep moving don't stay
the runaway must stay that way

you see your picture
you get out right away
you don't hear anything
for now you are ok

walk, run, jump, leap
just go to get out of the heap
keep moving don't stay
the runaway must stay that way

the fire burns
smoke goes up
a helicopter is seen
you are gone for now

walk, run, jump, leap
just go to get out of the heap
keep moving don't stay
the runaway must stay that way

you sees a train track
you hears it coming
you take your position
get ready to die

walk, run, jump, leap
just go to get out of the heap
keep moving don't stay
the runaway must stay that way

he feels the ground
something splaters on his face
you see your sibling
you know you should have died