A Change?

A loved one,
How has he changed?
What change has occurred?
Is it the clothes?
The skin?
Or teeth?
No, he is the same.

His skin as pale as the moonlight,
His teeth glistening in the moonlight,
Something about his teeth,
Are they longer?
Yes, but I don't care.

He is the same one that I loved as before,
He held out his hand to me,
I nervously place my hand into his,
The warmth I once knew,
Is forever gone.

He gives me a loving,
And warm smile.
I melt,
T feelings of love,
Begin to over flow in me.

His eyes once green,
Are now a blood red,
His gently kisses my neck,
While holding me in place.

He carefully sinks his teeth into my neck,
I shiver,
From the sudden wave of pain,
I begin to feel faint,
He gently pulls back from,
My tempting neck,
His eyes slowly,
Start turning back to green.

When he realizes,
What he had done,
His face is contorted with concern.
I grimace,
Noticing that he had taken too much blood,
At one time.

I rest my head on his shoulder,
He gently lifts my chin up,
And looks into my eyes,
His expression is masked,
I suddenly feel drowsiness,
Seeping into my bones,
My eyes close involuntarily.

I fall asleep,
I suddenly jolt awake,
I sit up quickly,
Looking around,
I begin to notice that i am in my room.

I groan softly,
Am I dreaming?
Am I not?
Is he truly here?
Or am I having a hallucination?

He suddenly appears,
Walking out of my bathroom door,
I quickly notice that he had taken a shower,
He had only a towel wrapped around his waist,
His chest is bare,
While water drips down from his hair,
Traveling down his chest.

He steps quickly,
And quietly over to me,
I cringe away in fright,
I had no where else to go,
But into his arms.

What did he want?
I already knew the answer,
He only wants me,
So why am I afraid?
Why should I fear him?

All these questions,
That are impossible to answer,
I quietly stare into his eyes,
My fear starts to ebb away,
I suddenly knew that he,
Would never intentionally hurt me.

I swing my legs over the bed,
I suddenly realize that I was wearing his t-shirt,
I smile and I run into his arms.

He happily enfold me into his embrace,
I smile up at him,
He gives me a smile,
His teeth,
Make a dull glow in my dark bedroom,
But still he is,
Beautiful and very dangerous.

He leans down,
And kisses my lips softly,
I now know that I am his forever,
But he is still,
And always will be my loved one.
♠ ♠ ♠
i can't remember when i wrote this but i was having a fun time with it!! lol plz comment!!!