Unanswered Questions

Can u hear that?
The silence all around us
The truth is hidden in it
Can u feel that?
The hatred that grows and grows
Will is ever go away?
Will we ever be the same?
Do u know what’s all around us?
Its unanswered questions
Will we ever know the truth?
Are we strong enough to even ask?
Do you hear that?
It’s our time passing
With every tick and tock
We are closer to death
Can we make it to the end?

Will they ever stop?
Will they stop with the comments?
Do they want us dead?
Would we be better off the way?
Would everyone else be better off?
Do we really matter to people?
To the people that said we do?
Would they be sad?
If we ended our lives tonight?
You and me we are different
Like everyone said before to us
They always said we were going to end up together
Did they mean it like this?