
Our love was strong once
but that was long ago
we're growing apart but you dont seem to know
just a faded picture is our love, drifting slowly away
till there's no more left to see
thats how it is today.

Our love was solid
but over time just washed away
you see us as a whole when, now, little is left.
Just a faded record skipping all importance
slowly spinning to a stop
then thrown away.

Our love was kind and sweet
but the sourness ruined it all
you just throw it away but i still see it there.
Just a faded drawing is our love
crumpling more each day
then finally i just throw it away.
now it's gone forever
never to come back
maybe you work out someday
just not with me.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is my first poem to put on this site. I have gotten good ratings on other sites and i hope you like it.
