Please don't leave without me

If only, If only
a dream could come true
I could finally stop chasing after you
Please oh please
don't follow the light
then a chance of catching you, have i might
Try please try
to slow down your pace
so I might have a chance to look at your face
Now finally now
I can see your glowing skin
that shines from the heart i know is within
So now is my chance
to stay or to go
you say your good bye's while I'm screaming no
But holding me back
are my earthly bonds
I look bck to see you
but you're already gone
So right here right now
there's only one thing to say
He's in a better place
and with that, I'm O.K.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is a poem i wrote when one of my friends grandfathers died. I thought it would sort of relate to that.