Little Tommy Till

im tommy till
i am but 5
this is the story of my kill.
It started when I was only 3
the constitution said we were free.
my dad showed me different .
he came home drunk and wild
cursing to no end.
i was but a child
with only 1 friend.
he called my name
i hid under my bed.
he heard me scream.
getting grip of me he slung me across the room into the wall
i tried to get free but his hold was to powerful.
he squeased my neck to where i turned purple.
he threw me on the ground
nearly breaking all my limbs.
then he grabbed the bat
swinging it ever so hard.
it was over in a moment
it was over so fast
so that it didnt last.
i'm tommy till
I am but 5
I am now no longer alive.
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