Dark Room

Dark room.
Sad depressing.
Sit alone.
Feel alone.
Always alone.
Just me.
Hate me?
I do.
I'm wrong.
Never right.
Morning light.
Happy right?
I say.
No way.
Go away!
Leave here.
Never return.
You tell.
Secrets untold.
I'll kill.
Never tell!!!!
I won't.
You will.
You betray.
My trust.
For what?
Her lust.
You're kidding!
I'm leaving.
You're crazy.
Just lazy.
Too lazy!
I'm here.
You're there.
Dark room.
Sad depressing.
Sit alone.
Feel alone.
Always alone.
Just me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys I was challenged to make a poem that every line only had two words or less... I don't think mine makes since but I tried... If you get it comment!!!^.^ Feel free to make one of your own...