
She was beautiful and smart,
With a heart of gold.
To the world she was generous,
But to her son, she was cold.

While she was out enjoying herself,
He was left alone.
Deserted, scared, and angry,
Her indifference he could not condone.

Revenge on his mind,
He set out on the town,
Painting himself on brick walls and train cars,
His forehead set in a frown.

Throughout his young life,
Not caring at all,
He gave himself up,
Building his own fall.

His mother at first begged,
Wanting a quick fix.
Her social standing depended on it,
But he cut her hopes deep, straight to the quick.

Their story revolved around
Prison yard, courtrooms, and jail cells.
She swore that she loved him,
He told her to go to hell.

His entire life, he ran wild,
Tearing things apart,
But the most expensive thing he broke,
Was his own mother’s heart.