Speak to me

Don’t let this be our End.
After all we’ve been through is it really okay to say Goodbye so soon?
I’ve waited for a lifetime…
Just to see your smiling face…but
Now you tell me it’s time to part?
Why don’t you just rip my own heart out?
All our precious moments together…are they so meaningless to you…?
Is it really okay to separate?
We had fun didn’t we?
I don’t want this to be goodbye!
Can’t you see why!
I love you! I love you so much!
Don’t tell me they’re just empty words & turn your back on me!
If I…we were just a bother why did you keep me with you for so Long?
Why did you even be with me if you wanted nothing of love?!
Tell me why! WHY?
Did you want me to get hurt?
Did you want to see tears in my eyes?
Did you want to hear my heart shattering?
Would that have made you happy?
Speak to me.
Even if they’re words of hate.
Speak to me&me alone.
I want to know why you couldn’t just love me back.