Mirroring Reflections

I have decided,
To finally tell the truth.

To start things off,
I'll mention Ruth.

Kind, caring, friendly and positive,
Too bad mirrors always show the opposite.

On the inside,
Are feelings of doubt.

She feels like she is in a black hole,
And cannot get out.

Life passes by,
A bit too slowly.

Eventually she could not hold it any longer,
Her feelings came out uncontrolably.

Not towards others,
Her mother told her it was not ladylike to do so.

But as much as she disliked her mother,
She did not dare cross her oh no.

So she decided to let it out another way,
A way looked down by all.

Scarlet tears flowed from her skin,
As if to say 'Your on the ball'.

After those tears were shed,
She still did not feel complete.

The pain was deep,
It was something burning underneath.

When you saw her in school,
Her smile was the perimeter of her face.

You would not think she had so much stress,
That her screams could be heard way beyond outer space.

There is a worry deep inside me though,
And I think I can confide in you on what it might be.

I have been overcome by the greatest fear that maybe infact Ruth,

Is Me.