If I've Died

If Ive Died 11-17-08

If I've died I've gone to heaven

Fear me not I'm safe and sound

For my sister came to get me

We felt tears of joy running down our faces

We laughed and spoke, hugged and kissed each cheek

Then walked up those forever steps

Once at the top she told me how much she missed me

We went to meet our father, our lord

I ran to him with open arms

With one kiss to my cheek, all my worries and sorrows have gone

He shooed us off and my dearest sister showed me life in the place called heaven

We walked along a shore

The water so crystal clear, so pure

I then cried, and I don't know why

Kayla never left my side, she stood and comforted me

I fell silently, crying

I feel myself being pulled up

She says to follow her I quickly follow

We walk a long way until

She stops at a long smooth stone

She points and I look in

I see my family and friends plans from God

I smile tears stop flowing

I feel something emerge from my back

delicate angel wings

So large and Pure

So soft and light

a masterpiece to any sight

I look at the stone once more and smile at the greatness they all face

After that she and I go to wait for our family chain to be completed once more
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My personal favorite!