
Elizabeth was always shy
Everyone asked why
Now they ask why they never said hi
No one expect her to die
She was always here
She always tried to hide her tears
always full of fear
She tried to scream but no one could hear
She knew one thing to do
But just didn't know where
She didn't know if she wanted a view
She just thought no one would care
She went to go get a rope
And walked to a tree
There was no hope
She tied it and would jump at the count of three
And there she will hang
In that very big tree
Where once a blue birds sang
All the people that saw there was only a few
They had nothing to say
They all knew that there was a reason why
Or maybe more then one
And they understand why she never said bye
But what had happen is done
They thought Elizabeth won
Cause she was able to get away
She was able to run
They know if they said hey
She might still be here
Knowing this made them want to die
Now they are the ones who will have to hide there tears
They know why she died but will always be asking why