My Suicide

This is the reason to my suicide
I was always an outcast
People only looked on the outside
On my looks I was always harassed
I was always shy
While on the outside I'm smiling but things are as always as the seem
While on the inside I will always cry
And always scream
I am always wrong
I always dream of death
I never really did belong
I also dream of taking my last breath
I always make mistakes
I feel like I'm being haunted
When people smile at me I know its fake
And when they don't smile I'm being taunted
If I die
Would it be a great lost
I should try
For all my life I was being bossed
I wonder if anyone would love me
But when I see my reflection
I could see
Why I'm a caution
I wish I could die
There's a person that can save me but there's only one
To me he is as beautiful as the snow
But why would he save me but I do wish I could say hi
Now I wish I can say my final good bye