Summer Ended with a Storm

I ran

I ran as fast as I could away from the
Night shift rent-a-cop that was
Determined to catch me.

I thought I could be smarter, but
I wasn’t because he caught me;
Stopping the reign of misdemeanors
I brought upon my little NYCity neighborhood.

Lights flashed red, white, and blue
As I got into the back of an
NYPD blue car.
The light of the moon and the light
Of the sirens flashed in my face.
I was caught.

Still underage and my record being a
Complete blank page, the judge took
It easy on the small time crook that was me.
A warning was all she gave.

I wish I could say the same for my
Poor mother who had been
Tortured for days not knowing
What might happen to me

She shot anger from her eyes
And sent me to live with my
Father’s father on the other side
Of the country

I know this was meant to be
Punishment, but I can’t see why.
Because in Oregon is where I met him.

He’s tall and tanned with
Gorgeous green eyes, wavy
Brown hair and a smile that
Makes you want to cry “Hallelujah!”

Of course I didn’t notice him at first.
First and foremost he is my best friend.
The I one I can always, always turn to.

A connection seemed to be there,
But I couldn’t see it and he
Wouldn’t speak of it.
So we spent a summer of silence
About the feelings we had for
Each other. We spent a summer
Of laughs and night swims and
Even sleepovers.

A summer of movie nights and
Camp outs and campfires,
Of hot dogs and burgers and
Summer jobs and dugouts.

Until I had to leave. My father’s
Father passed on and my mother
Wouldn’t have me any longer.

So I packed my things, but as I
Packed, it started to heavily rain.
A horrible storm.

I got into a cab that was to take
Me to Portland. He started to drive
But then he stopped.
“Is that your friend that’s running
And running in the rain?” he asked.
And it was.

He ran

I got out of the cab and was
Freezing and drenched.
He reached me and stared
Straight into my eyes.
“I love you,” he said and
I couldn’t say goodbye.
“I love you too,” I said to him
Instead of a sad goodbye.
But I had to leave.

His lips touched mine in a
Deep and long goodbye then
Lightning stuck two feet ahead.

we looked around to
see if anyone noticed.

Everyone noticed

We didn’t care.
A small time crook from NYCity
And a small town boy from Oregon
Fell in love.

Summer started with a misdemeanor
And it ended with a beautiful storm