I Still Love You

i'm lying on the floor

surrounded by red liquid

i think i remember what happened.

it can't be true.

i didn't do this.

please tell me it wasn't me.

i let you in

i loved you so much

i thought you were coming to apologize.

i was crying when i opened the door.

was crying of joy as i saw your face.

i didn't even notice your hands were red.

didn't notice the hate in your eyes.

all i could see was your beautiful face.

i wasn't able to see through your facade.

you were so nice.

for one moment i thought i have you back.

you stepped in,

me not noticing your smirk.

i let you step in.

not seeing through this game.

you closed the door,

even locked it.

i thought you loved me,

i felt safe as you hugged me.

didn't notice the hate in your voice.

as you tried to comfort me.

you pulled me into the kitchen,

said you wanna sit down and talk.

i believed you,

not knowing all you said was fake.

i trusted you,

turned my back to you,

as i answered the phone.

didn't notice you getting up from your seat.

you opened the drawer.

you took out a knife, i believe.

i didn't hear you coming closer.

i thought i could trust you.

cried out in pain,

as if someone stabbed me.

you f***in stabbed me!

i couldn't think straight.

took the knife.

stabbed you right in the heart.

didn't wanna kill you.

i still love you.

please wake up.

can't see you lying there,

passed out.

you're not breathing.

someone help you.

i still love you.