Atlanta Love

Georgia… The name on my lips
As I pull off, her wedding ring
Georgia, born in Atlanta
Won’t you be mine?

You married him, in a flurry
A search for passion, forgot my name
But he became, an endless burden
Now you remember, our summer love

A tug of the shirt, a taste of forbidden
Just like this, a million times before
In each others, lustful arms
A love not meant to be

You kid yourself, when you head home
You say you’ll never, return to me
But we both know,
A ring won’t hold you back

So we head to the ocean, hand in hand
A walk by the sea, just you and me
A hunt for sea shells, and childhood
When love was simple, just you and me

I can’t resist, the taste of your lips
When you take off, that wedding ring
Sweet like candy, against my own
One day I’ll never, let you go

I hold back tears, when you stand up
Get dressed again, and head to your car
Back to serve, the man who doesn’t know
Your love will always, rest with me

I wake up without her, my Georgia
I try to forget, her forbidden name
But soon she’s back, in frightful arms
Her mouth so sweet, against my own

I dream of a life, out by the sea
Like childhood, just you and me
You’ll be there, every morning
Just like Atlanta, you and me

But you married him, in a flurry
A search for passion, forgot my name
But he became, an endless burden
Now you remember, our summer love

Georgia… The name on my lips
As I pull off, her wedding ring
Georgia, born in Atlanta
Will never be mine