Why Can't Everyone Be Like You

Your absolutley amazing.
And I tell you that about
A million times a day.

I love you,
With all my heart.
Your an amazing person,

Who just keeps getting better.
You aren't like everyone else.
You didn't turn your back, when the others did.

I see you everyday.
And yet,
I never get tired of you.

You've always been there for me.
And I'm thankful,
But, yet, I'm afraid.

For one day,
You might not be there.
That you'lll turn out like the others,

You'll turn your back,
Because I made yet another
Horrible mistake.

I wait for the day you leave me,
To be with everyone else,
To be in the 'in crowd'

Something that i keep thinking,
You don't want to be apart of.
You seem happy,

With just me always at your side.
I wonder why.
You choose me over everyone else.

I don't regret you made that desicion.
I'm happy. I have you.
I just wait for the day you wind up like everyone else.

And turn your back,
on me..
On my stupid emo self.

Like everyone else,
Already has,
But then again,

Will you always stay there?
Will you always help me through the hard times?
Will you Always be my Best friend?

Will you always love me?

I Promise to you;

I'll always be there.
I'll help you through every hard time.
I'll always be your bestfriend as long as you'll always want me to be.

I Promise; I'll Always Love You.
With All My Heart.

I Love You Nicole Ann Worden. You Are My Best Friend. And Always Will be. No Matter What Happens.