I don't know why

I don't know why I'm scared of the dark and I hate the light.
I don;t know why my voice is only heard at night.
I don't know why my best friends are only in my head.
I don't know why my life dosn't end.

I need to know why I can't move to the sun.
I don't know why son's can't be daughter's and daughter's can't be son's.
I don't know why my letters never send to you.
I don't know why my life dosn't end.

Can you answer my questions.
Can you hear my pleading.
Oh yeah, I don't know why
I hear this endless beating inside my chest
and why I can't lye down to rest.
Please oh please. put me out of my misory!

I don't know why I can't even try
to fly right into the sky.
Why can't I fly, fly into heaven
or even sink down to hell
please, please some one tell
tell me why I don't know
I don't know why!