Lost Thought Slumber

The cool air caresses my face,
And teases my hair –
It prods me awake from my
Lost thought slumber.

I force my eyes open, curious of the world,
It races right passed me,
A blur of people and of cars,
Of heart break and of laughter.

I hear the music that pours from my ear buds,
And feel myself melt into it.
Every lyric becomes the cry of my heart,
Fighting for its freedom and fighting to find love.

The sun’s rays shines through the window,
Warming the places the cool air has numbed,
But the brightness is blinding,
And my eyes slam shut once more.

I hear my thoughts, they’re never ending,
And soon I’m in a daze,
The world becomes background music,
While I fall into my lost-thought slumber, again.