(I'm Sorry For) The Wrong I Never Knew I Did

I'm here to say I'm sorry
For all the wrong I've done
I'm down on my knees
Begging you to forgive me
I want to apologize
For the hurt I've caused you
If I knew what I did wrong
Then trust me, kid, I would've undone
Everything I've done to harm
The friendship we once shared
So tell me what I did wrong
And I shall beg for forgiveness
Through bitter tears of sorrow
Even kiss your feet
The only thing I ask of you
Is to lie to me
Don't tell me how I am
Don't speak my flaws
Like hard slaps across my face
Leaving hand prints on my heart
And scars on my arms
You know how much I care
And I'm sorry if I've ever broken you
Please don't break me back
Or I may never be fixed

All I can say is,

I'm sorry for the wrong
I never knew I did
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote it for a friend who is very upset with me and I don't know what I did wrong and I'm afraid that, if when I apologize him he points out all the horrible things about me that I try to hide I will fall apart. I hope you can't relate with that feeling but if you can I'm sorry and I know how you feel. Read, rate, comment, tell all your friends. xo Niamh