Hidden in the Shadows

The darkness had surrounded me
Taken my life my soul my being
But cast from the shadows i was saved
The light i will follow to my grave
Hiddin in the shadows I'll find
My mystery, one of a kind
Will i falter will i stand
Will he support or kill us all
Will i fall or rise
Come to the door at midnight
The hope that he brings has no compare
Just hiddin away, as i take the first stair
Nothing about this feels very right,
I lost my only light
My hands feel as if there on fire
But still i climb the stairs higher
Soon I'm staring death in the face
The bullet was hard, fast, strong
But my light took me by the arm
Once again i had found it
My body now like stone
The bullet reflecting
To the other unknown
Unfortunate for me
This force was stronger than a blow
Knocking me from my savior
To the hard floor below
Quicker than a snake he reached and grabbed my hand
Will he save me from the shadows,
Will i let him back in?
Will i die without my light,
Into the deep obis i go...?
♠ ♠ ♠
This was like a two second thing... i seriously just opened a new spot for a poem and started typing. I was thinking about my story 'Hiddin in the Shadows' while i was writing this, maybe how Katie (the main character) feels. Check out my story and lemme know!