
Sometimes you wonder why you are here,
Why you were born into this world
I mostly do
I've had a painful life.
My Dad's married and a big a-hole
My Mom's partying all night, hooking up with randoms
My Brothers don't seem to care about me, or do they?
Sometimes I think I was born backwards
Coming out of my mother the wrong way
I hear things and see things silently
I hear words from the people I love that I should hate
I hears words from the people I hate
I never speak
I never do
Why should I?
No one listens to me
Why should I listen to them?
I have no friends
I have no boyfriends
I drink wine, nothing more than that
I smoke, only cigarettes, to numb my anger and pain
I go out at night, without my mother noticing
I hook up, but that's just it
I'm a loner, nothing more
I don't friends, they would never understand
I am alone, isolated in a cold world
I don't need anyone

I am alone, nothing more
♠ ♠ ♠
This is just fictional, and it's not all about me.