My Turn

If I never see your face.
If I never see your eyes.
If I never see your smile.
If I never see you again, I will be fine.
I won't have to feel the pain.
I won't have to remember when you lied.
And I won't have to cry.
I could walk anywhere and not have to see you talking to a friend, and then see you still talk but stare at me.
So I don't have to look away.
So you don't see me shed a tear.
I know this won't happen.
I know I will see you.
I know I will smile but only want to cry.
But I also know, we can't even be friends.
You somehow know how to hurt me,& you know how to make me cry.
Sometimes I just want to die.
But now I'm thinking,"why should I cry? why should I hurt? because he doesn't know what he has lost and will never have again."
But it's my turn.
It'smy turn to get over you as you seem not to care ifI care for you or not.
So why should I waste my time,my tears, and my feelings for you?
I'm not anymore.
It's timeI get over you,instead cry over you like you cared.
So you can not care.
So you can try to hurt me,and you can try to make me cry, but all your going to get is a "Why?"