Unchained Writing II: Once Upon a Nightmare (Sonny and Matt from FFTL)

Once upon a time unmoving
In the far-off realms of yesterday,
I walked through a thousand blinding lights
In the place I called my home.
Where faceless faces, eyes unblinking
Never ceased their staring through
The shattered shards of window panes
And the dreams of passers-by.
Whilst our tears fell unnoticed,
As rain from silent screaming skies.

When there came a time of timeless times
In a place I dreamed of long ago,
Where hopeless hopes entwined as one:
Body, mind and soul.
Fused on the wings of temptation’s flight,
We took our forbidden love far away –
To existence’s brink –
And cradled it in our arms.
Touched by angels, we clutched perfection
With gentle fingertips that never pulled away.

Until Morning drowned us in her selfish façade
Of cold and shallow light.
Forcing truth to be redefined, or just
Covered and smothered under six feet of lies:
To bury hopeless hopes and
Give birth to lifeless lives.

And now
In this half-light hospitality
This half-life
Fades to grey behind closed eyes.
It clears the way
For perpetual darkness
And Death’s final bargain bid in No-Man’s-Land:
For an angel’s soul, lost in Purgatory
For the sins of all the world.

And now
Another sunset of half-dreams
Descends these white-walled halls
That fade to grey with each passing second.
It clears the way
For eternal sleepless nightmares
And dreams turned to ash behind closed eyes.
Or snow-white skin on cheekbones exposed
Like the memory of a smile.

Just to breathe,
To walk alone
Through twisting corridors of lies,
Through turnstiles of fate.

Afraid to fight a fear within myself
For oh so long.
And the longing, forever longing
For that place that felt like home,
And three simple words I heard
But never said –
Once upon a dream, or a nightmare.

I love you, Sonny Moore.