Saved Me

I know who you are,
Please get away from,
Just don't touch me,
Get off me,
I should be so cold right now but your all around me,
I tried to not breath, to shrink,
But I'm stuck here,
Feeling you move around me like a python,
I stay still as a stalked antelope.

My heart beats fast in slow motion,
I feel the blood pumping to my brain, weakening my thoughts, my eyes,
My eyes begin to adjust and I see the line of your profile in the darkness,
I see the black patch on your cheek,
I don't know what it is but I'll always remember,
It scares me,
I stay statue still,
You stroke your thick fingers through my hair, untangeling it,
You kiss my temple, my cheek, my head, my hair, my neck,
Please get off, Get Off.
I need to get away but your all over,
Your facial hair stubble pricks my skin sharply.

I pounce away, scatter,
Your muscle overbears my frailness,
Grab me, Gag me, Hurt me,
But I won't let you have me,
I have something you don't,
I'll get away,

I get away. Escape. I got away,
I win,
But I've lost,
I'm lost,
But you never had me.
You never will.

Something Greater Saved me, and I am Found.