Hearts Not Made To Love

I love you, so I tell you to dry your eyes and get out of my hospital bed. I've never seen the ghost in the mirror cry her eyes so hard.

As the blood drips down her arms, she gets stronger. That's not me, I'm not me, no one is anyone any more.

Cry so hard our tears forget to fall. Just another betrayal by these worldly pleasures we can no longer enjoy.

I can't sit here any longer and pretend the world exists. People with strength use it for the wrong reasons. Now is the time when us weaklings can fight back and win, but we can't.

We've been tied down by the skeletons of our past, keeping us from loving and living again. We're already dead, but we don't care enough to find our way to the grave.

If we could only see what there is to live for. If only we knew what's worth fighting for isn't worth dying for.

But now the corpses fill the streets, so much that there's no room for us to smile. There's no room for our hearts to beat. 

The answer will always make itself clear, right when you don't want it to. Not even morphine can numb the pain, but it can make you forget.

Forgetting is all you need to do. Live and let die the mistakes from your past, and only then will you find the strength to move on.
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Anyone want to give me feedback? I would greatly enjoy knowing what people think of my work ^-^